Settlement Advice File Upload Process

Login : Log in to ClaimGenie to access the homepage

File Upload Access : You will find a search box in the top right corner , Type 'File Upload'

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A file upload link will be present in the shortcuts area

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File Upload Page : On the file upload page, you will find an "Add File Upload" button at the top right corner.

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New File Upload :

  • In that window, you can upload Settlement Advice files by selecting the "file type" , "file format."

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  • Select the Payer Name for the Settlement Advice which you are going to upload

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  • Once the file is uploaded, you will notice that the file status changes to "open."

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  • Following that, processing will be completed, and the data inside the file will be categorized into two sections: "INSERT" and "SKIP".



A single file will be separated into three files based on the following criteria:

  • If the file contains new records, they will be categorized under the type 'Insert'.

  • If the file contains records already present, they will be categorized under the type 'Skip'.

Only the records present under type 'Insert' only be uploaded in Settlement Advice Staging

After the records have been uploaded to the Settlement Advice Staging, the status of the file will be updated to 'Success'

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Settlement Advice Staging Process :

  • To view the records uploaded in the Settlement Advice Staging, navigate to the homepage. You will find a search box in the top right corner and a file upload link in the shortcuts area.

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  • By clicking on these options, you can check whether the records you uploaded are present or not in that respective documents.

  • Initially, the status will be "Open" until the document is processed into the Settlement Advice. Once processed, the status will change to "Processed".

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Settlement Advice Process :

  • Now, the Settlement Advice process takes place, and the valid advices are pushed into the Settlement Advice, marking their status as "Open".

  • To check the valid records that have been processed, follow these steps :

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  • The records that have been processed and marked as "Open" will continue matching with other documents and undergo the payment entry process.

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Payment Entry :

  • Payment entry is processed based on the settlement advice list and other utilities like bank transaction,sales invoice etc.

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  • After Processing of payment entry ,the status of that can be changed to "Fully Processed" and "Partially Processed"

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