Summary for Management

Number Cards:

PY Net Outstanding = (PY OB - PY OR )

  • PY OB : Sum of the Claim Amount, excluding cancelled bills, from previous fiscal year in Sales Invoice.

  • PY OR : Sum of ON Account, excluding cancelled transactions, from previous fiscal year in Bank Transaction.

FY Revenue

  • Sum of Claim Amount, excluding cancelled bills, in Sales Invoice.

FY Bank Collection = (Settled + ON Account + Write-Back)

  • Settled : Sum of Paid Amount, excluding cancelled payments in Payment Entry.

  • ON Account : Sum of ON Account, excluding Cancelled transaction in Bank Transaction.

  • Write-Back : Sum of Total Debit, where the ID has the suffix "WB" in Journal Entry.

FY Open Bills

  • Sum of Outstanding Amount, excluding cancelled bills, in Sales Invoice.

FY Disallowance

  • Sum of Disallowed Amount, excluding cancelled payments in Payment Entry and Sum of Total Debit, where the ID has the suffix "DIS" in Journal Entry.

FY Net Outstanding = ([FY Revenue + PY Net Outstanding] - [FY Bank Collection + FY TDS + FY Disallowance ])

  • FY Revenue : Sum of Claim Amount, excluding cancelled bills, in Sales Invoice.

  • PY Net Outstanding : (PY OB - PY OR )

  • FY Bank Collection : (Settled + ON Account + Write-Back)

  • FY TDS : Sum of TDS Amount, excluding cancelled payments in Payment Entry and Sum of Total Debit, where the ID has the suffix "TDS" in Journal Entry.

  • FY Disallowance : Sum of Disallowed Amount, excluding cancelled payments in Payment Entry and Sum of Total Debit, where the ID has the suffix "DIS" in Journal Entry.

Bar Chart - Business by Month

  • This bar chart provides a monthly breakdown of the total billed amount and outstanding amount, excluding cancellations. It includes a tooltip that displays the sum of bills and the percentage of open bills based on the billed amount for each specific region. This visualization helps to monitor monthly billing performance and outstanding amounts, offering insights into trends and potential areas for improvement.

Table - Top 10 Payers wise Outstanding

This table provides a detailed breakdown of the top 10 payers based on their revenue amount. It includes the following columns:

  • Payer: Lists the names of the top 10 payers.

  • Revenue: Shows the total revenue generated by each payer, excluding cancelled bills.

  • Open Bills: Displays the outstanding amount (open bills) for each payer, excluding cancelled bills.

  • Open Bills%: Represents the percentage of open bills relative to the total revenue for each payer, providing insights into their payment behavior and outstanding liabilities.

Donut Chart - Revenue by Region

  • This chart provides a regional breakdown of total revenue, excluding cancellations. It allows you to visualize the distribution of revenue across different regions, highlighting the performance and contribution of each region to the overall revenue.

Pie Chart - Revenue by Category

  • This chart presents a categorical breakdown of total revenue, excluding cancellations. It enables you to see how different categories contribute to the overall revenue, offering insights into which categories are performing well and which may need attention.