Summary for Operations
The page provides a detailed comprehensive overview of the business performance for the financial year 2024-2025. It includes number cards, bar charts, and line charts to visualize the key metrics.
Number Cards:
FY Revenue (A):
The total revenue for the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of the Claim Amount, excluding cancelled bills, in Sales Invoice.
FY Settled (B):
The total amount settled for the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Paid Amount, excluding cancelled payments, in Payment Entry.
The total TDS amount captured against the revenue for the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of TDS Amount, excluding cancelled payments, in Payment Entry and sum of Total Debit with the suffix "TDS" in Journal Entry.
FY Disallowance (D):
The total disallowed amount captured against the revenue for the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Disallowed Amount, excluding cancelled payments, in Payment Entry and the Total Debit with the suffix "DIS" in Journal Entry.
FY Open Bills A-[B+C+D]:
Calculated as sum of Outstanding Amount, excluding cancelled bills, in Sales Invoice.
FY Net Outstanding:
The net outstanding amount for the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of FY Revenue and PY Net Outstanding minus FY Collection, FY TDS, and FY Disallowance.
FY Settled %:
The percentage of the settled amount relative to the total revenue for the current fiscal year.
The percentage of the TDS amount relative to the total revenue for the current fiscal year.
FY Disallowance %:
The percentage of the disallowed amount relative to the total revenue for the current fiscal year.
FY Open Bills %:
The percentage of the open bills relative to the total revenue for the current fiscal year.
FY Collection:
The total collection amount for the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Deposit Amount, excluding cancelled deposits, in Bank Transaction.
FY On Account:
The total amount on account for the current fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Unallocated Amount, excluding cancelled allocations, in Bank Transaction.
Toggle Button - Previous Year Business (Number Cards)
The toggle button allows users to view the business performance for the previous year as mentioned below.
PY OB (X): Previous Year open bills in Sales Invoice
The sum of the Outstanding Amount from the previous fiscal year, excluding cancelled bills in Sales Invoice.
PY OR (Y): Previous Year ON Account in Bank Transaction
The sum of ON Account from the previous fiscal year, excluding cancelled transactions in Bank Transaction.
PY Net Outstanding: (PY OB - PY OR)
The net outstanding amount from the previous fiscal year, calculated as the difference between PY OB and PY OR.
PY Settled:
The total amount settled for the previous fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Paid Amount in Payment Entry, excluding cancelled payments.
The total TDS amount for the previous fiscal year, calculated as the sum of TDS Amount in Payment Entry and the total debit amount in Journal Entry.
PY Disallowance: Payment Entry[Disallowance Amount] + Journal Entry[Total Debit]
The total disallowed amount for the previous fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Disallowed Amount in Payment Entry and the total debit amount in Journal Entry.
PY Bank Collection: Payment Entry[Settled Amount] + Bank Transaction[ON Account] + Write-Back
The total bank collections for the previous fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Settled Amount in Payment Entry, ON Account in Bank Transaction, and Write-Back in Journal Entry.
PY Payment Applied: Bank Transaction[Allocated Amount]
The total payment applied for the previous fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Allocated Amount in Bank Transaction.
PYs ON Account: Bank Transaction[Unallocated Amount]
The total ON Account amount for the previous fiscal year, calculated as the sum of Unallocated Amount in Bank Transaction.
Bar Chart - Business by Month
This bar chart provides a monthly breakdown of the total billed amount and outstanding amount, excluding cancellations. It includes a tooltip that displays the sum of bills and the percentage of open bills based on the billed amount for each specific region. This visualization helps to monitor monthly billing performance and outstanding amounts, offering insights into trends and potential areas for improvement.
Bar Chart - Collection by Month
This bar chart provides a monthly breakdown of the total collection amount and unallocated amount, excluding cancellations. This visualization helps to monitor monthly Bank collection performance and outstanding amounts, offering insights into trends and potential areas for improvement.