PowerBi Visuals
Without the right visuals, your Power BI report is redundant. To showcase powerful insights, you need to understand when and how to use different visuals so that you can avoid wasting valuable time on building reports that don't make an impact.
1. Card (new)
When we use the measures for some operations sometimes it may throw Blank() method. it means the selected attribute has null. so powerBi return null as Blank(). If we use the number card to display the values, it would show Blank() for null values kindly avoid showing Blank (). Instead of number card you can use Card(new) in this card we can change the value while returning the Blank(). Then the Card(new) has some features which is not in the number card.
This is the Card (new) visual
In this Card (new) we can change the grid or table as we want, and we can specify the no of column and rows.
Open --> Visual (Card (new)) --> Values --> Show Blank as 0.