Announcement Banner

Create the Banner text :

Step 1:- Search the Announcement List

Step 2:- click new Announcement

step 3:- create new announcement form and give the text

The Announcement is the doctype created by us. The Announcement Banner display the last docname text.

Home - Google Chrome 27-06-2024 11_01_32 AMHome - Google Chrome 27-06-2024 11_03_15 AM

If you want to make changes in Announcement banner

(note:- make sure install tfs app)

step 1: open tfs in code editor

step 2:- tfs/tfs/public/css/tfs.css here --> access the css for announcement banner

step 3:- tfs/tfs/www/app.html (we can access the announcement banner tag here using jinja template)

frapp-new – app.html 27-06-2024 11_08_25 AM