Installation of Frappe Using Docker(Local)
Git Clone the Infra Utils Repository using command:
git clone
Get into Infra Utils directory using command:
cd Infra-Utils
Install Docker and Docker Compose using Script FIle. To run the Script File give the command:
Install MariaDB using Script File. To run the Script File give the command:
While Installing MariaDB, it will ask whether to change the root password. Type "yes" and give the New Password for Root. It will ask some other questions like deleting Test user and Test Databases, Reload the privileges.
Get into docker-local using command:
cd docker-local
Open local.env in any Editor. For vi editor use:
vi local.env
Replace the Environment variable with your own environment variable.
To up the docker instance. You have to create directory for sites and redis in Host and have to bind that volume. For that Create the directories sites and redis. To create run the command:
mkdir sites redis
To create the volume that bind the sites and redis directory run the command:
docker volume create --driver local --opt type=none --opt device=your_sites_directory_path --opt o=bind sites docker volume create --driver local --opt type=none --opt device=your_redis_directory_path --opt o=bind redis
After run the command to up the docker instance:
docker compose -f docker-compose-local.yaml --env-file local.env up -d
Now you will get the Frappe Instances. Next you have to create the site. For that run the command:
It will ask to enter Project Name, Site Name, DB Name, DB Root Username, DB Root Password. After the you will get site.
Open any browser and enter localhost:8080 to access the site.